Friday, June 4, 2010

An optical illusion of Cat & Mouse

An optical illusion of cat and mouse by Rene Milot.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Food about you - Annecy festival 2010 from Alexandre DUBOSC on Vimeo.

A stop-motion video promoting the 50th anniversary of the Annecy International Animated Film Festival and Market. It was directed and developed by Alexandre Dubosc.  It is simple and fun to watch!


Urban Abstract from Musuta on Vimeo.

Urban Abstract is a journey across urban space that unfolds in forty, 5 second parts. The journey, in one, two and three dimensions, is a bit like abstract surfing in which the original destination is only reached after a number of seemingly random yet linked detours occur. Points , lines, planes and other abstract elements create a journey through an Urban Abstract.

The space between things is as important as intended space, perhaps creating a fourth dimension. Meaningful shapes and purposes occur in this dimension’s reality as well. The concept of negative space has meaning here.

Nature plays a part as well. To be able to understand and differentiate what is urban one has understand what is nature.
The style of the shorts is fluid and, though seemingly random, stream into a cohesive whole. Perhaps watching them in a different order would be more like seeing the same journey from another point of view. The sound world is also very important — movement in space is sensed even if watching the shorts with eyes closed. Sounds overlap, fade, come and go.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sand, Earth and Ice Art - Simply Amazing

Jim Denevan makes temporary drawings on sand earth and ice. These creations don't last long though, sadly they are eventually erased by waves and weather.


More on his website, click here

Friday, February 19, 2010

Super Chameleon

The super chameleon shows his super camouflaging powers.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Amazing photo of camouflage art!

An artist Liu Bolin, born in Shandon province, China uses paints and camera to create these amazing camouflage art. No photoshop or photography tricks are used in this illusion of Invisible man.

Three cheetahs spare tiny antelope's life... and play with him instead

Hello little antelope, would you like to play with us? 
Coming from three deadly cheetahs, it's the kind of invitation that's best refused - but amazingly, this impala escaped unscathed from its encounter.

Luckily for the youngster, it seems these three male cheetahs simply weren't hungry.

And that seems to be the secret to the antelope's survival, as it's likely it fell into the cheetahs' clutches when they were already full - and tired out - from an earlier hunt. 
Photographer Michel Denis-Huot, who captured these amazing pictures on safari in Kenya's Masai Mara in October last year, said he was astounded by what he saw.
'These three brothers have been living together since they left their mother at about 18 months old,' he said. 'On the morning we saw them, they seemed not to be hungry, walking quickly but stopping sometimes to play together.

'At one point, they met a group of impala who ran away. But one youngster was not quick enough and the brothers caught it easily.'
These extraordinary scenes followed, as the cheetahs played with the young impala the way a domestic cat might play with a ball of string.
'They knocked it down, but then they lost interest,' said Michel. 'For more than 15 minutes, they remained with the young antelope without doing anything other than licking it or putting their paws on the impala's head.'
Even more extraordinarily, this story has a happy ending - after one tense moment when it looked as though one cheetah would bite the impala on the neck, the youngster ran away.
Let's hope it didn't tell all its friends how nice those big, scarylooking cheetahs really are when you get to know them.
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